July 08, 2011


I feel so damned frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 09:30 AM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
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November 18, 2010

What I have learned from Srugim

Yeah I know I hardly write on here anymore.  Combination of being horrendously busy at work.  Long story and well sometimes I have writers block not knowing what I want to say or how open to be.   BE That as it may...

I am absolutely hooked on an Israeli show Srugim.  Lital helped me find some links where I was able to download it.  But, now I actually own the first season on DVD.  Yes it is on PAL but it plays on Xbox 360 and PC.  So, I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone interested! 

What I learned from the series is actually one of the most sad lessons I ever really had to come to terms with.  In that while I am Jewish, by blood, I am not Jewish in culture.  I feel very stuck in between thoroughly American but feeling empty with it and wanting to be more Jewish without really any foundation in it.  It is really hard to kinda express that lack of standing that I feel. 

I watch the show and one scene in particular struck home (though there are far too many to count).  In this scene, Hoodya is dating a non religious Jew.  They are supposed to go on a date out to eat.  Thus she can still keep Kosher.  Instead Avri decides to change the plans and cooks a dinner for her.  Uh oh.  And she is afraid to tell him that she is religious.  So, as he is serving her, he gets out the Parmasean Reggiano Cheese and starts slicing it into her spagetti.  The look on her face is priceless. Avri being both a man and non religious totally misses the red flags that her body and expression is non-verbally sending out.  So he sits down and starts eating and she is playing with her food, trying to find a part that isnt contaminated by the mixture of meat and dairy.  In the end, she takes a bite.  Barely swallows it and ends up having to run to the bathroom to throw up. 

I saw this scene and it was entirely foreign to me.  I dont keep Kosher.  Though I at least know some of the rules regarding it.  I have to say seeing this scene was entirely foreign to me.  I simply could not grasp the revulsion in violating Kosher laws to the point that it would get someone so sick that they would need to throw up.  

It's just one of the many wake up calls I had in regards to watching this wonderfully educational and entertaining show.

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 12:51 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
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October 13, 2010

An excellent video

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 09:03 AM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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September 03, 2010

LOL new Tasha video

I now have flashbacks of Dirty Dancing.


Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 08:25 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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June 18, 2010

Props to Elton John!!

After the Pixies concert was cancelled in Tel Aviv....and a few other performers as well....gotta send some major props out to Elton John for bucking the trend and performing in Tel Aviv, Israel!


John swiped at those artists, saying, "We do not cherry-pick our consciences," before hitting the opening chords of his 1972 hit "Crocodile Rock."

Now, that is how you respond to those bands that boycott the ONLY DEMOCRACY in the Middle East. 

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 12:40 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 79 words, total size 1 kb.

The Three Terrors

Latma does it again!!!!

First We con the world

Now the Three Terrors

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 07:50 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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June 04, 2010

THIS is why I want to live in Israel

Just read it all.

This is what is missing in the US.  This is what I want to experience...this is why when I was in Israel it felt like home, even though I never really experienced these experiences...I heard about them....from many Israelis.  And I wish...I wish...that someday soon, I will be there.


Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 09:26 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Paul McCartney a classless hack

I am just going to post this without comment.


McCartney ended the evening taking a baseless cheap shot at former President George W. Bush.

“After the last eight years, it’s great to have a President who knows what a library is,” McCartney quipped. 

When did decorum go out of style?

“Like millions of other Americans, I have always had a good impression of Paul McCartney and thought of him as a classy guy, but I was surprised and disappointed by the lack of grace and respect he displayed at the White House,” Boehner told HUMAN EVENTS.  “I hope he'll apologize to the American people for his conduct which demeaned him, the White House and President Obama.”

McCartney is the third recipient of the Gershwin Prize. Hailing from England and having earned no university degrees of his own, the Beatle may not know W. was the first American president to earn a master’s degree in business administration. (The fact the MBA is from Harvard really irks the left.) Not to mention Bush is married to a librarian.

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 08:23 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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June 03, 2010

Gaza Aid - We Con the World - MUSIC VIDEO

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 08:48 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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So! What's going on?

Lets see...my sis is in Vegas.

Grandma is doing better from her stay in the hospital.  She is recuperating at a Physical Therapy place to assist her in becoming more mobile despite the affects of arthritis in her legs....

It was sort of touch and go for her for a while because at a point she was on a breathing machine that actually had to do the work for her.  My sister was able to go to Cali to see her... but me, still recovering from surgery I was simply not in a shape to go there. 

Now, she is doing worlds better...I actually got to talk to her on the phone a few times and each time she sounds stronger..but still in pain.

I am back to work...Pretty much 100%.  YAY....I even drove yesterday - the first time in damn near 2 months. Just went to walgreens and back LOL...but damn it felt good driving again.

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 01:59 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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How brave is this kid?

Man, I know I wouldn't have the guts this kid did..and his composure as well.  This kid is a hero.  Just like those commandos who raided the terrorist friendly flotilla.


Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 10:37 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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June 01, 2010

The UNDERSTATEMENT of the Decade!

This from this freaking Turkish Yahoo who...well let me quote this article.

“Some of our allies are not ready to condemn the Israeli actions,” Davutoğlu said. He said he was disappointed with Washington's cautious response to an incident he likened to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

“Psychologically this attack is like 9-11 for Turkey because Turkish citizens were attacked by a state, not by terrorists, with an intention, a clear decision of political leaders of that state,” he said. “We expect full solidarity with us. It should not be a choice between Turkey and Israel. It should be a choice between right and wrong.”

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 08:41 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Ballad of the soon to be SS Rachel Corrie (st. Pancake)


Sung to the tune of Gilligan's Island:

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale

a tale of a fateful ship.

That set sail from a Turkish Port

bound for the Gaza Strip.

The Mate was a Bearded, Peaceful Man

a Moderate to be sure.

10 Passenger's did die that night

We'll blame the Juice, for sure.

Blame the Juice, For Sure.

The Evil Juice were way too rough

 "We'll be Martyrs, Soon I'm Sure!"

"If we don't tie the Rap Lines to the Peace Boat soon

the Corrie could be Lost...

The Corrie could be Lost!"

...No Goat, no Guns, no mortar shells.
not a single luxury.
Like Mohammed on Aisha,
it's as primitive as can be.

So Join us here each week, 'my friend'

Pay your Jizya - you'll be fine.

Israel will soon be destroyed

 and Rachel will Finally Smile!

Posted by: Ballad of the SS Corrie at June 01, 2010 01:52 AM (WcpdG)

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 07:26 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Video of the Israeli takeover of the flotilla

Gotta watch this...amazing..and I agree with John at Right Wing News:

Update #1 After seeing this footage, I think Israel didn't kill nearly enough of the thugs on that ship.


Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 07:15 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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May 31, 2010

In Israeli news!

That flotilla that was heading towards blockaded Gaza....hehehehehehe...got boarded by Israeli Commandos!  YAY!!!!!!

While 9 "peace activists" died they are damn lucky more did not die after they started resisting the commandos.  GOOD for Israel in doing the right thing!  May they continue to do the right thing when it comes to these terrorists!

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 11:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Memorial Day

Over at Ace of Spades they are having major tributes for those who have given their last full measure of devotion.

Today, please take some time to think of those heros who have given their lives so that we can be free.  Appreciate the freedom that we have. And, thank those who serve so that we can continue to be free!

I hope my nephew, who is in S. Korea is safe, stays safe, and enjoys his time and exposure to other cultures!

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 11:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 28, 2010

Lital and Adi's 5 year Youtube clip


A new clip!   And a funny one....

It is wonderful watching the girls again....hard to imagine all the years that have gone by.....and how much they have changed from the Hey clip....to now. 


Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 09:10 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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May 27, 2010

Over 4 years?

It's been (over) 4 years already?

Wow...crazy how time flyes.  It does not seem that long that I started this blog.  I remember what a whim it was sitting in the chatroom with Dan, Chris and others talking about the girls going to vacation and boom the blog was created to sort of keep us occupied. Since then the blog has evolved to more than just a Tasha and Dishka tribute then to politics...and now a mixture of politics, pro-Israeli and my own personal journal.

I know Lital has put up clips, I havent really blogged them yet, being ill and all, but I will.  The roots of the blog, good bad or indifferent started with her and Adi.

And, after 4 years, its wonderful that I am still in contact with Lital fairly regularly.  And that the blog is still active as well!  Now that I am on the mend, taking less meds, it his my hope that the blog will become even busier and more active as it once was.

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 11:53 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Aliyah redux?

Today I wrote to John at the Aalyah center explaining my absence and hoping that I can find a way to resume that process now that I am starting to get back on the mend.

I dont know if I have to start over from scratch but if I have to I will.  Now I will wait for his response back.

Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 10:58 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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Medical post

If medical stuff grosses you out.......just do not read the rest of thos..Otherwise I am just typing this out so that I have a record of this and so that I do not forget any important details.


Posted by: Robert Woolwine at 08:47 AM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
Post contains 1948 words, total size 11 kb.

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